Help us to make an impact on our community!
We want to bless and impact Deland in a special and unique way this month and you can help us!
We are doing a Community GIVEAWAY (this is not a yard sale).
We would like to give good useable items away that people can use in their everyday lives.
(Clothing, shoes, food, all of the above)
You can bring all items to the church Mon-Thurs from 9am-4pm
(church contact 386-724-5380 ext. 221)
We are doing a Community GIVEAWAY (this is not a yard sale).
We would like to give good useable items away that people can use in their everyday lives.
(Clothing, shoes, food, all of the above)
You can bring all items to the church Mon-Thurs from 9am-4pm
(church contact 386-724-5380 ext. 221)
Women - can you donate...
A used (in good condition) or new purse?
- Fill it women essential feminine products
(toiletries, soap, tooth paste/brush, cleaning wipes, pads, etc.)
- A few dollars
- A hand-written card with a prayer and scripture for the person receiving it

Men- can you donate...
A used (good condition) or new backpack?
- Fill it male essential feminine products
(toiletries, soap, tooth paste/brush, cleaning wipes, socks, etc.)
- A few dollars
- A hand-written card with a prayer and scripture for the person receiving it